

Sure, talking about issues is good--we have to get educated, right? However, to slip into a classic BYU cliche, we enter to learn but then go forth to serve. So after you leave the weekly BYU Amnesty meeting, what are you doing to promote human rights? Hopefully, a lot. Here's a few ideas to help ya out. More will be added, and we invite your ideas in the comments section too, so check back often!

  • Join and/or donate to Amnesty International. They also have a section of their website called Ways You Can Help that has some great ways to be involved in some international human rights issues.
  • America's a democracy, so act like it! Write or call your senator or congressperson and ask what they're doing to promote equality and fairness for all Americans, and for all humans for that matter!
  • Be a Pen Pal with a Death Row Inmate - If you'd like to learn more about what it's like to be on death row, why not write to someone who's there? The Jail Outreach organization can get you in touch with an inmate who you can write to. If you're interested, email Austin at biggins2 at gmail dot com with "Death Row Penpal" in the subject line and we'll get you set up.
  • Get a free bumper sticker that lets everyone know you're a Constitution voter. When people ask what that means, you can let them know about your beliefs in equal rights and human dignity; you know, the things our Constitution is supposed to protect.
  • Sign a petition to close down Guantanamo, the site of some of America's most egregious human rights abuses.
  • Letter to the editor - write in to your local paper. If you're a student at BYU, write to the Daily Universe at letters@byu.edu and let them know what you think about the human rights issue that you're most passionate about!
  • Talk to all of your friends and family about human rights issues and help them get educated about all the ways they can help too!
  • Save Darfur! - Check out the list of current initiatives that you can get involved in to help stop a genocide.
  • Keep your eyes open for events happening right here in Provo/Orem. For example, did you know UVU has an annual symposium discussing the death penalty? Or that BYU's rallies in support of the monks involved in last year's Saffron Revolution in Burma were some of the biggest on any college campus in America? We're not quite as out of the loop here as you might think!

Again, we'd love to hear your ideas, either here on the blog or at our weekly meetings (Wednesdays at 6:00 in 117 Kennedy Center).

1 comment:

austin said...

I just read an amazing letter from Troy Davis, which he wrote on Sep. 22nd, the day before he was supposed to be executed. I think it shows the positive impact people can have on someone who is a victim of human rights abuses.

Here's an excerpt, though the whole thing is worth a read:

"I cannot answer all of your letters but I do read them all, I cannot see you all but I can imagine your faces, I cannot hear you speak but your letters take me to the far reaches of the world, I cannot touch you physically but I feel your warmth everyday I exist.

"So Thank you and remember I am in a place where execution can only destroy your physical form but because of my faith in God, my family and all of you I have been spiritually free for some time and no matter what happens in the days, weeks to come, this Movement to end the death penalty, to seek true justice, to expose a system that fails to protect the innocent must be accelerated."